protected void emlSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
byte[] bytes;
string fileName;
MailMessage email = new MailMessage();
SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient("attgmail");
email.From = new MailAddress(txtFrom.Text);
email.Subject = txtSub.Text;
email.Body = txtMsg.Text;
//Loop through lstFiles to get all values
foreach (ListItem item in lstFiles.Items)
if (item.Selected)
//Save value to string
string lstItem = item.Text;
string lstValue = item.Value;
//Connect to Server
string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["fishbowlConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
//Use value in Select statement
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT FileName, FileType, Data from CVData where cvID = '" + lstValue + "'";
cmd.Connection = con;
using (SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
//Get CV Data
bytes = (byte[])sdr["Data"];
fileName = sdr["FileName"].ToString();
//This works if files are stored in folder instead of the below code
//Attachment resume = new Attachment(Server.MapPath(VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/cv/" + fileName)));
//Attach Data as Email Attachment
MemoryStream pdf = new MemoryStream(bytes);
Attachment data = new Attachment(pdf, fileName);
//send the message
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
lblEmail.Text = "Email was sent Successfully";
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