Which Database using in Firebase

Firebase: Realtime Database

The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted database in which data is stored as JSON. The data is synchronized in real-time to every connected client. You can easy way use in your Apps in firebase. All of our clients share one Realtime Database instances and automatically receive updates with the newest data, when we build cross-platform applications with our iOS, and JavaScript SDKs.

The Firebase Realtime Database is a NoSQL database from which we can store and sync the data between our users in real-time. You can update, delete, create usign firebase.

The Realtime database helps our users collaborate with one another. It ships with mobile and web SDKs, which allow us to build our app without the need for servers. 

Key capabilities


The Firebase Real-time database uses data synchronization instead of using HTTP requests.


The Firebase Database SDK persists our data to disk, and for this reason, Firebase apps remain responsive even when offline.

Accessible from client devices

There is no need for an application server to access the Firebase Real-time database. We can access it directly from a mobile device or web browser.

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