Amzon Front-end Developer Technical Interview Question 
Here Is Below some Few things I would suggest. You Must know About It.
1. As you already know about this, apply star methodology for every answer you give
2. All the interviews are divided in to 2 halfs, first half would be behavioral and second half about system design in general but complete end to end may be something like how would you code a library for parsing logs etc.
3. constant communication is very important, take few seconds(not too long- may be 4-5 seconds ) before answering the question.. this allows the interviewer to complete his question and also give you some time to think on how to get started.
4. Have a backup laptop(if this is a online interview) with everything setup to ready to join the interview just in case one laptop fails for any reason.
All the very best!
From my notes:
Had a second level of interview with Amazon(full time) yesterday and here are the list of questions
Using plain vanilla JavaScript create a like button which has three different states like initial state, hover state and clicked state, kind of very similar to Instagram like button please walk me through the process as you write the code.
Create a JavaScript function that takes a property value and give us a list of all the node elements that match the property that have the values, the return value of this function will be an array of nodes that have the property and the value passed into the function ?
If I come back next day and ask you to add a third argument into the function which is a root node a and have nested children under the root node. how do you go by tweaking the existing function to match my current requirement,
And next day I ask for,
Take the list of properties and then match all the nodes that have at least one of the properties that are passed into the function as an array.
Please avoid using quarySelectorAll
Walk me through the debugging steps when you visit a website and the browser has a blank page how do you go about tracking what went wrong ?
How do you make sure that your UI is responsive what factors do you think can give confidence that the front-end is responsive ?
How do you make sure that your application is working in all versions of different browsers please try to not go in depth I’m trying to look more or less of tools and approaches that you do to test your UI ?
Tell me about a time where you had great challenge in completing a task and how did you overcome it. What do you think is the helping factor that made you to complete the task.
Tell me about a time where idea or feature that added more value to the product which you pitched and convinced the business to add it.
Tell me about a time where you were under immense pressure or tight deadline to deliver a project and how did you handle it did you do any kind of compromise in order to meet the deadlines.
Amazon 3rd and 4th levels of interview.
Tell me about a time where you have to compromise in tight deadlines in order to deliver the project ?
Tell me about a time where you have to handle a critical feedback from any of your team members ?
Tell me about a time where you have to give a critical feedback to any of your team members ?
Tell me about a time where you have to balance between the code standards and performance of the application ?
Tell me about a time where you underestimated a task which took longer than expected and what did you learn from the situation ?
Tell me about a time where you proposed a new idea or a feature to the business but the business did not agree to incorporate it how did you handle the situation?
It was way way different than all the interviews I have attended, something I learned is, Amazon interview focus more on how you behave in different situations you put in and how did you do and what was the result..
and 90% questions on how to handle tight deadlines, feedback from other people and compromises that we do during development..

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