Recyclerview inside ScrollView not scrolling smoothly

Try doing:

RecyclerView v = (RecyclerView) findViewById(...);

As an alternative, you can modify your layout using the support design library. I guess your current layout is something like:

<ScrollView >
   <LinearLayout >

       <View > <!-- upper content -->
       <RecyclerView > <!-- with custom layoutmanager -->

   </LinearLayout >
</ScrollView >

You can modify that to:

<CoordinatorLayout >

    <AppBarLayout >
        <CollapsingToolbarLayout >
             <!-- with your content, and layout_scrollFlags="scroll" -->
        </CollapsingToolbarLayout >
    </AppBarLayout >

    <RecyclerView > <!-- with standard layoutManager -->

</CoordinatorLayout >

However this is a longer road to take, and if you are OK with the custom linear layout manager, then just disable nested scrolling on the recycler view.

Edit (4/3/2016)

The v 23.2 release of the support libraries now includes a factory “wrap content” feature in all default LayoutManagers. I didn’t test it, but you should probably prefer it to that library you were using.

<ScrollView >
   <LinearLayout >

       <View > <!-- upper content -->
       <RecyclerView > <!-- with wrap_content -->

   </LinearLayout >
</ScrollView >

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