How to Share Local Storage | Session Storage between different domains | With Demo

 Here You can check how to share domain with Local Storage and Session Storage hare data between multiple domains (for example an auth token) can be somehow hard as we all know that all browser side data storage APIs (Localstorage, cookies etc.) are related to one specific domain.



1- Create a listener in the iframe that saves the data passed in localStorage

2- Create a listener in the iframe that sends the data back

3- Using postMessage, we invoke the iframe’s saving function from the parent

4- in whatever other domain we ask for the data from the iframe (using postMessage and listening for a response).

Iframe code

Listen to a message event, check the type of action (save or get) if save, it adds an item to LocalStorage, if get: return the data using postMessage

const domains = [
window.addEventListener("message", messageHandler, false);function messageHandler(event) {
if (!domains.includes(event.origin))
const { action, key, value } =
if (action == 'save'){
window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value))
} else if (action == 'get') {
action: 'returnData',
}, '*')

One of the other windows code will save a data

Uses postMessage to send a message event to the iframe.

const data = doSomeThingToGetData()
const iframe = iframe = document.getElementById('iframe-id')
action: 'save',
key: 'keyForData',
value: data

And now any time one of the windows wants to get this data

Send a message event and the listen to a message event that the iframe will send back.

const iframe = iframe = document.getElementById('iframe-id')
action: 'get',
key: 'keyForData'
window.addEventListener("message", messageHandler, false);function messageHandler(event) {
const { action, key, value } =
if (action == 'returnData'){
useData(key, value)

The differences between Angular SSR (Server-Side Rendering) and Angular SSG (Static Site Generation) can be summarized as follows

  1.  When HTML is Generated SSR : HTML is dynamically generated  on each request  by the server. The server processes the request, fetches ...

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